About 6 months ago I decided that I wanted to design and build my own website and while I was researching this endeavor for the first in my hobby I contemplated the core reason for doing this and that is when it occurred to me that I wanted to Inspire people no different than me, whether you are a stay at home parent, a professional that needs an outlet at the weekends or a hobbyist  that wants to make what they want to make and not be tied into a customer / maker relationship. During my 4 years doing this, the hobby has exposed me to so many discilplines that are as much part of the process as making the wooden item(s) itself, such as:

  • Researching online for that next project, utilizing internet searches and reading so many peoples websites that provide that spark or bit of inspiration to do it  yourself. For example YouTube has a lot of DIY content on making practically anything from building your own home to making a wooden toy for a child.
  • Computer Aided Design specifically Sketch-up which is a free 3D Software that I discuss in another section of the site. This was a very big learning curve for me since I never did anything even remotely like this in the past, but its very easy to learn and I grasped the basics in a few days.
  • Setting up my own online shop with Etsy, this shop isn't anything crazy it has a few downloadable plans that I sell for a small fee.
  • Supplement my income because although woodworking doesn't need to very expensive and you can buy what you can afford I would like to broaden my horizons and upgrading some tools and improving my workshop.
  • Finally I want this site to document my woodworking journey and ultimately showcase what I have made in the past, what I want to make in the future, and try and document the process. I will be trying a lot of new ways of accomplishing this by making a blog and exposing you to all my social media outlets such as Facebook, Etsy and Instagram. I did try to set up a YouTube channel but to be honest I just don't have the time or money to buy all the equipment needed for such an enterprise, anyway you don't want to listen to me and my Irish Brogue, LOL.

    Anyway sorry for rambling and thanks so very much for taking the time to reading this, I hope I have clearly conveyed what I want you take away from this site.

Thank You

Ed Keogh